Session of the Government: outcomes of 6 months, measures of financial stability, priorities of social and economic development

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov held extended session of the Cabinet of Ministers where representatives of National Parliament, heads of ministries and departments, high educational institutes, mass media, heads of Administration of Ashgabat and regions and their deputies have been invited.
Outcomes of development of branches of national economy for 6 months of the year have been summed up, relative reports have been listened and evaluation of performed work has been made as well realization of the programmes of social and economic development of the country has been discussed, priority objectives have been specified for the second half of the year and personnel issues have been reviewed at the session.
Coming over the main subjects of the agenda, the Head of the State has released B. Abdiyeva from the post of the Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers due to transfer to another work.
Having appointed M. Mammedova to the post of the Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov released from the post of the Deputy Head of the Administration of Mary Region.
Addressing newly appointed Vice-premier, the Head of Turkmenistan focused on currency of objectives in cultural and mass media sphere.
Popularization of spiritual values, history of Turkmen nation, wide coverage of meaning and content of grandiose activity for strengthening of economic bases of our independent state, improvement of cultural relations with different countries and regions of the world are among priority directions.
Having wished success in work to new Vice-premier, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov signed relative documents.
After, the Head of the State informed about decision to appoint A. Atabayeva as the Deputy Head of Administration Mary Region releasing her from the position of the Deputy Minister of Education.
Further, having released N. Garlieyv from the post of the Chairman of the State Committee for Television, Radio Broadcasting and Cinematography for serious deficiencies admitted in his work, the President of Turkmenistan appointed A. Ashyrov to this post, having released his from the duty of the Deputy Chairman of the State News Agency.
Having wished his success at new responsible position, the Head of the State signed relative documents.
Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers M. Mushikov reported on macroeconomic indicators for the first half of the year. For 6 months, the GDP has grown by 5.9 percent. Comparing with the same period of the last year, the production has increased by 4.4 percent in general.
The volume of retail trade in January – June has increased by 13.8 percent comparing with the same period of the last year.
Average salary wages in big and medium organizations of the country have grown by 10.5 percent comparing with the same period of the last year.
Continuing the session, the Vice-premier presented drafts of new editions of the State budget for 2020, the Main Directions of social and economic development of Turkmenistan and Investment Programme of Turkmenistan, which were developed taking into account current situation in the world economy. It was also reported to President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov about proposals for increment of revenue and reduction of expenses in targeted use of resources provided in the main financial document of the country for current year.
The Head of the State has informed about decision to release E. Annamuhammedov from the duties of the Minister of Finances and Economy as well as National Coordinator for International Technical Aid of European Union from the Government of Turkmenistan and Director of the World Bank from Turkmenistan due to transfer to another work, having appointed his as the Head of Department of Banking and International Financial Organizations of the Cabinet of Ministers.
Having appointed M. Serdarov as the Minister of Finances and Economy as well as National Coordinator for International Technical Aid of European Union from the Government of Turkmenistan and Director of the World Bank from Turkmenistan, the President of Turkmenistan released him from the post of the Deputy Minister of Finances and Economy.
Addressing new Minister of Finances and Economy, the Head of Turkmen State has focused on the utmost objectives of this structure.
Due to the situation in the world economy, it is necessary to approach the development of the draft State Budget for 2021 with full responsibility, the Head of the State continued.
Having improved tax regulations, it is necessary to accelerate the transit to electronic system of this structure, the President highlighted. Acceleration of denationalization and privatization of the state-owned property, transformation of organizations and facilities with the government share to joint ventures, opening of securities market are among the main vectors of work. Special focus was made on the necessity of separate review of subjects of organization structural changes of loss-making and unprofitable state enterprises.
Steadfast formation of conditions for development of small and medium business is one of the important objectives, Turkmen leader noted, having ordered to simplify the procedure of giving of land plots, to facilitate the procedures of crediting, customs and trade operations.
Opening of free economic zones by introduction of preferences for export as well as study of opportunity of introduction of visa, registration of land plots, grant of credits and payment settlements benefits were outlined among the main directions.
Continuing, the President ordered Minister M. Serdarov to propos candidacy for the post of the Deputy Minister. Having wished him success on new responsible position, the Head of the State signed relative documents.
Further, Chairman of the State Statistics Committee S. Velbegov reported on economic indicators of ministries and profile departments of the country for six months of 2020. Comparing with the same period of 2019, the growth rate of production has been observed in many spheres.
Positive results are observed in non-government section of the economy. Thus, 66 percent in the structure of production belongs to private sector.
Addressing Vice-premier G. Mushikov and heads of relative structures, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has focused on importance of taking actual measures for reaching of financial stability in the economy. In this context, it was requested to develop proposals on regulation of bank credits and settlement of payments between organizations.
At the same time, it is necessary to regulate money circulation in the economy according to real requirements, provide the branches with necessary volume of financial resources, keep level of inflation in set parameters, the Head of Turkmenistan highlighted.
Having accelerated introduction of modern banking services, it is necessary to improve the trust to organizations of this system, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov continued, having given assignment to simplify the regulation of attraction of investments from individuals and legal entities and their issue.
Provision of income of credit resources and foreign investments on beneficial terms from international financial markets is one of important directions of work, the President noted, having requested to intensify cooperation with competent organizations.
Having highlighted the necessity of successful fulfilment of work planned this year, the Head of the State ordered the Vice-premier to hold a session on fulfilment of assignments given at the session of the People’s Council and development of the State budget for the next year with participation of the Deputy Chairmen of the Cabinet of Ministers.
Special attention has to be paid to development and approval of the Investment Programme in new year of 2021, the President of Turkmenistan pointed out.
Speaking of the State budget for the next year, Turkmen leader stated the importance of review of the draft main financial plan of the country by National Parliament. According to relative Resolution, it is necessary to provide increment of salary wages, pensions, student scholarships and state allowances as well as other social payments, to plan resources for construction of living for those who need it in every city and district, the President said.
Addressing the Vice-premiers, the Head of Turkmenistan ordered the officials with the heads of the structures under their supervision to intensify work for further development and improvement of financial situation of the ministries and profile departments under their supervision.
Making regular analysis of the situation in the world economy, it is necessary to develop measures for reduction of impact of global market on development of the country, the President noted addressing Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers G. Mushikov.
Making proper conditions for support of stable monetary circulation and macroeconomic stability, acceleration of rates of export growth of national production and production of import substitutive commodities were specified among perspective objectives.
Having noted the necessity of provision of formation and proper management of labour resources, Head of the State Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov ordered to hold subjects related to the labour market in the economy under control. Having outlined modernization of national statistic system as one of current directions, the President instructed to review the forms of reporting.
After, the President has signed the letter on sending of the draft State Budget 2020 in new edition to National Parliament for review.
Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers M. Meredov reported on results of work carried out for six months in the spheres under his supervision under realization of the Programme of development of oil and gas industry until 2030.
The Vice-premier reported that plan of oil and gas condensate production has been executed by 107.6 percent, oil refinery by 102.6 percent, gasoline production by 105.1 percent, diesel fuel by 105.1 percent. The growth rate of production of liquefied gas has reached 112.2 percent, developed investments – 113.3 percent.
Having listened to the report, the President of Turkmenistan informed about number of personnel changes. M. Archayev was released from the post of the State Minister – Chairman of the State Concern Türkmengaz. The President appointed B. Amanov as the Head of the State Concern. Chief Engineer of Turkmenbashy Refinery Complex has been appointed as Acting General Director of the Complex.
Further, the President of the country has released H. Geldiyev from the duty of the Director of International Oil and Gas University due to transfer to another work. Sh. Abdrahmanov was appointed to this post after releasing from the duty of the Chairman of the State Corporation Türkmengeologiýa.
Having appointed M. Roziyev as the Chairman of the State Corporation Türkmengeologiýa, the Head of the State released him from the duty of the Deputy Chairman of the Corporation and ordered to propose a candidacy for vacant post as soon as possible. Having wished success to new appointed officials, the President signed relative documents.
Addressing Vice-premier M. Meredov and officials of oil and gas complex, the Head of the State noted that despite the fact that production indicators in oil and gas complex have been fulfilled according to the plans, the growth rates of certain divisions were low comparing with the same period of the last year.
It was noted that production activity of Concerns has to be improved following the situation due to the reduction of world prices on hydrocarbon resources. relative work has to be carried out for introduction of digital technologies to the facilities of the complex.
Chairman of the State Concern Türkmennebit G. Baygeldiyev was requested to provide growth rate of production of oil and gas condensate and full execution of yearly obligations of existing production-sharing contracts by international partners as well as to activate attraction of foreign service companies to works carried out for rapid development of new oil deposits discovered in Caspian zone of the Western Turkmenistan.
The Head of the State highlighted that realization of the project of construction of Turkmenistan – Afghanistan – Pakistan – India gas line is important component of energy strategy of the country.
In this regard, Chairman of the State Concern Türkmengaz B. Amanov was requested to accelerate the work for diversification of supply of Turkmen natural gas to the world markets and search of potential customers.
For construction of new petrochemical facilities, it is necessary to attract investments under conditions that the refund to be carried out at the account of future production, the Head of the State said.
The President has also requested to hold issues related to increment of volumes of production, processing and export of natural gas under control and to reach the growth of income of foreign currency.
Relative assignments have been given to Chairman of the State Corporation Türkmengeologiýa M. Roziyev regarding timely execution of works for exploration of new oil, condensate and natural gas deposits, timely provision of growth of hydrocarbon reserves for establishment of material base of the industry.
Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers B. Ovezov reported on the outcomes of activity of transport and communication sphere in January – June. Following from the report, the organizations of these branches have fulfilled the plan by 100.4 percent in general.
In particular, the growth rate of Türkmenawtoulaglary Agency was equal to 100.2 percent, Türkmendemirýollary Agency by 120.5 percent, Türkmenhowaýollary Agency by 61 percent comparing with the last year, Türkmendeňizderýaýollary Agency by 122.4 percent.
The Plan of volume of cargo transportation by road, railway, air and maritime transport has been fulfilled by 99.2 percent. The plan has been executed by 101.5 percent for the period under review. The growth rate of Türkmenaragatnaşyk Agency was 109.8 percent.
Having listened to the report, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted that measures taken for establishment of electronic industry are not taken actively enough from the absence of necessary specialists.
In this regard, the Head of the State ordered Vice-premiers B. Ovezov and P. Agamyradov to develop a system of training of personnel in specifically required directions for solution of objectives of development of electronic industry and formation of network of high technological facilities.
It is necessary to hold work of transport facilities, which experience difficulties are present time in relation with coronavirus epidemic and limitations in the world, under strict control, the President continued.
It is necessary to provide support of their uninterrupted work and protection of stable financial situation in this period. It is also necessary to provide support to transport companies in order they would have resources for payment of salaries and fulfilment of financial obligations, the Head of the State said.
Further, Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers Sh. Durdiliyev reported on the result of activity of the branches under his supervision – construction industrial and energy complexes, the State Concern Türkmenhimiýa and Administration of the capital for the first half of the year.
The production and service plan in construction industrial sector has been executed by 112.8 percent with the growth rate of 118.9 percent.
The work plan of the Ministry of Construction and Architecture has been executed by 107.7 percent with the growth rate of 107.4 percent comparing with the same period of the last year.
The Ministry of Industry and Construction Production has performed the production and work plan by 105.5 percent with the growth rate of 109.2 percent.
The work, production and service plan of the Ministry of Energy has been executed by 113.9 percent. The growth rate of indicators of the outcomes of six months was equal to 119.5 percent comparing with the last year.
The State Concern Türkmenhimiýa has executed the production plan by 122.1 percent with the growth rate of 148.1 percent.
Work and service plan of the Administration of Ashgabat has been fulfilled by 113.2 percent. Comparing with the same period of the last year, the growth rate was 100.3 percent.
Having listened to the report, the Head of the State ordered the vice-premier to accelerate analysis of construction works in the country and to develop new programme in this direction for coming 2021.
The Head of the State pointed out the necessity of acceleration of establishment of powerful industry, which is oriented to production of cement, metal constructions and decoration materials.
Taking into account availability of rich material resources, it is necessary to elaborate of the subjects of construction of new plants for production of mineral fertilizers. It will allow providing agricultural fields with fertilizers and receiving additional harvests of agricultural crops.
Special attention has to be paid to realization of new projects of increment of production capacity of energy industry, production and export of electricity as well as reconstruction of roads, the Head of the State noted, having ordered Vice-premiers Sh. Durdiliyev and Ch. Gylyjov to analyse capabilities of attraction of the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs of the country to these works as soon as possible.
Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers Ch. Gylyjov reported on the outcomes of work of trade and textile industry as well as private sector for the past first half of 2020.
The growth of total volume of trade for the period under review comparing with the same period of the last year by the Ministry of Trade and Foreign Economic Affairs was 24.6 percent.
Production volume of the State Association Türkmenhaly has grown by 19.9 percent.
The State Commodity and Raw Material Exchange has held 129 trade sessions, entered into 13,188 contracts mostly by export and import operations in January – June.
Volumes of provided services by the Trade and Industry Chamber has grown by 50.3 percent in monetary value while the income has increased by 23 percent.
The volumes of industrial production of the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs have increased by 18.9 percent in January – June while agricultural and food production by 28.7 percent.
Addressing the Vice-premier, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov said that work for increment of volumes of production of consumer goods, particularly in agricultural complex is carried out slowly. Measures for the government support of private section of the economy, provision of financial, equipment and material support to small and medium entrepreneurship are not taken. Activity for development of supply chain of trade and introduction of digital system does not meet modern requirements.
In this regard, the Head of the State has requested Ch. Gylyjov together with heads of relative ministries and departments to elaborate on increment of volumes of production of export-oriented goods. It is also necessary to accelerate the establishment of close economic relations with foreign partners, the Leader of the nation said.
Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers P. Agamyradov reported on work carried out for six months of the year for development of the spheres of education, science, health protection and sports under his supervision.
Having listened to the report, the Head of the State made personnel appointments. Thus, according to the Resolution of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, M. Geldiniyazov was released from the duties of the Minister of Education and appointed as the Head of Educational and Social Department of the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan.
O. Gurbanov, who occupied the post of the Director of Seyitnazar Seydi Turkmen State Pedagogic Institute previously, has become new Minister of Education.
G. Muhammedov was appointed to the post of the Director of the above-mentioned Institute after releasing him from the duty of Deputy Director of Magtumguly Turkmen State University.
G. Agamyradov was appointed to the post of the Minister of Sports and Youth Affairs after releasing him from the duties of the Deputy Minister on the structure. In this regard, the Head of the State gave instruction to new minister to select candidate for the post of his deputy.
After, the President has given specific assignments to the Vice-premier and relative officials.
Addressing Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers P. Agamyradov, the Head of the State pointed out the necessity of thorough preparation to entry exams to high and secondary special education institutes and to new educational year, by the beginning of which cosmetic and overhaul repair of buildings of schools and universities of the country has to be done.
President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov demanded to provide public control of entry exams to high educational institutes and to organize new courses for digital system in all schools. At the same time, the Academy of Science has to have a leading role.
According to the programmes of social and economic development of the country and the Concept of development of digital economy, the Vice-premier was directed to strengthen scientific and production relation of educational sphere, to continue working for introduction of new professions and to provide training of qualified personnel. For this purpose, it is necessary to study in details the best world practice and to expand relations with foreign educational and scientific centres.
After, the Head of the State has signed relative documents on reception to higher and secondary professional educational institutes of the country in 2020.
Further, the floor was given to Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers, Foreign Ministry R. Meredov who made special mention that in the result of foreign policy of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, the positions of Turkmenistan are strengthened in the world arena and international authority of the country are enhanced.
Good news that has come from the UN Headquarter in New York is a visual evidence to this. Thus, on June 29, 2020, Turkmenistan has been unanimously elected as the Vice-chairman of the 75th session of the United Nations General Assembly.
Having congratulated the Head of the State on this remarkable event, the Vice-premier, Foreign Minister highlighted strategic character of the partnership between our country and the UN. In this regard, it was noted that initiatives of Turkmen leader, which were proposed under this competent organizations, receive full support.
After, the Vice-premier, Foreign Minister, reported on the results of work carried out in the first half of the year in the context of realization of foreign strategy of neutral Turkmenistan.
Summing up the report, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted that our country would continue developing friendly relations and multilateral cooperation on interstate level, expanding constructive dialog with competent international organizations, having given specific assignments on further expansion of fruitful cooperation with all interested foreign partners to the Foreign Minister.
During the session, the Head of the State has released B. Zahyrov from the post of Director of the Institute of International Relations of the Foreign Ministry due to transfer to another position. Having appointed J. Gurbangeldiyev as new Director of the Institute of International Relations, the Head of the State wished him success in the activity on new post.
The reports of the heads of regional administrations have been listened thereafter. Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers E. Orazgeldiyev reported on the outcomes of activity of the branches under his supervision in the first half of the year and on agricultural works in the regions.
Total volume of production by agricultural complex was 115.7 percent. This indicator of the Ministry of Agriculture and Natural Protection has reached 116.8 percent, State water Management Committee – 106.1 percent, State Association Türkmen atlary – 103.9 percent.
Care of the cotton fields is carried out in the regions these days. Necessary work for organization of proper storage of collected grain, transportation of wheat from reception facilities to warehouses and grain elevators is also carried out. Preparation of land released after the wheat harvest to sowing of vegetable and cucurbitaceous crops is carried out.
Addressing Vice-premier E. Orazgeldiyev, governors of the regions and managers of agricultural complex, the President of Turkmenistan has focused on importance of active implementation of the programme of development of agricultural complex, especially on increment of production volumes of cotton.
It was mentioned that at present time, the harvest of wheat is almost accomplished. More than 1,400,000 tons of grain have been reaped, which became a significant input to provision of food safety of the country. Excess of wheat can be exported to foreign countries.
Rich yield of cotton is ripening on the fields, which is also very important for our country. taking this into account, it is necessary to take care of timely and qualitative conduct of agricultural technical activities, to prepare agricultural equipment to the harvest campaign, the Head of the State said.
The President of Turkmenistan ordered Vice-premiers P. Agamyradov and E. Orazgeldiyev to activate work for development of agricultural complex, especially water provision, improvement of land fertility and development of new lands.
We have to introduce water saving technologies to the production using advanced practice of foreign countries, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov said, having also ordered to accelerate realization of the programme of improvement of ecological condition of Karakum desert.
Speaker of the Mejlis G. Mammedova has informed about activity of National Parliament for six months of the year. The deputy corps develops new and improves existing legal acts for legal provision of priority directions of life of the state and society.
18 Laws of Turkmenistan and 13 Resolutions of National Parliament have been adopted for the period under review. Final draft Constitutional Law on Amendments and Addendums of the Constitution of Turkmenistan is under development.
Seven meetings including three video conference session have been arranged under development of inter-parliamentary relations and study of the world law-making practice, expansion of cooperation with representative offices of the UN and other competent international organizations.
Informing about organizational issues of coming session of the People’s Council of Turkmenistan, the Speaker of National Parliament presented the documents on time of preparation and conduct of national forum to the President of the country for review.
Addressing the members of the Cabinet of Ministers, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlighted significance of coming important event – the session of the People’s Council, which is planned to be held on September 25. Honouring ceremony of citizens who are entitled to the state awards for success in work would be held on September 26 and we widely celebrate our main holiday – the Independence Day of Turkmenistan on September 27, the President said.
After, the floor was given to Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers, Secretary of the State Security Council Ch. Amanov who reported on the outcomes of activity of military and law enforcement agency of the country for the past half of the year.
Having listened to the report and noted that Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers, Secretary of the State Security Council, Lieutenant General Ch. Amanov has accomplished qualification improvement course of the Military Academy of Turkmenistan, Turkmen leader presented him relative diploma and badge.
Having paid tribute to the State Flag of Turkmenistan and given an oath, Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers, Secretary of the State Security Council assured the President of Turkmenistan, Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces of the country that he would continue working honestly on his responsible post and serving to independent and neutral Motherland.
Further, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov addressed the participants of the session with speech, where he outlined the outcomes of work of branches of national economy for six months of the year, having focused on priority aspects of the state policy as well as specified key objectives for near future.
It was mentioned that negative impact of coronavirus pandemic on the economy of the country is continued. However, despite this fact, statistical data confirms the efficiency of countermeasures taken by the Government.
Works for establishment of innovative industrial facilities producing quality competitive production, which is on high demand on home and foreign markets, are carried out on high rates, the Head of Turkmenistan has stated.
Foreign policy remains unchanged, the President continued, having highlighted that our country supports close contacts with the United Nations, Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, European Union, Shanghai Cooperation Organization, Commonwealth of Independent States and other international structures in solution of issues of provision of energy and water security and ecology in the year of the 25th anniversary of permanent neutrality.
In this aspect, active character of partnership in transport, science and education, protection of human rights and freedoms, strengthening of universal security has been noted.
Speaking of internal strategy, the President of the country stated that reliable tax and budgeting, monetary and crediting policy is supported, volumes of investments in private and government sectors are permanently increased.
Despite the problems in global economy, the growth of the GDP is protected on 5.9 percent level. Exchange rate of national currency remains stable. Large-scale construction of industrial and social facilities is continued, the President said, having noted that around 2.5 thousand big facilities to total cost of more than 37 billion US dollars have been built for the period under review.
According to National rural programme, 1,300,000,000 manats of investments have been developed for the period under review. 14 big facilities, 509,000 square meters of living including comfortable houses to the cost of around 1 billion manats have been put into operation in the first half of the year. Industrial facilities, living houses, kindergartens, schools, shops and other facilities have been built in planned volumes.
Policy of diversification of supply of energy resources to the world markets is continued according to the plans, the Head of Turkmenistan highlighted, having stated with delight that project of TAPI gas line and other regional projects are successfully implemented.
The government programmes of increment of import substitutive production, increment of volumes of export oriented production, establishment of electronic industry are implemented under diversification of the economy.
Further, the President of Turkmenistan has focused attention of the participants of the session on priorities of coming work.
Support of economic and financial stability of the country, enhancement of level of labour occupancy of the population, acceleration of reforms in banking system have been outlined among the utmost objectives. At the same time, importance of increment of volumes of direct foreign investments, improvement of export potential and provision of income of foreign currency has been noted.
Improvement of competiveness in industrial sector, development of entrepreneurship are also perspective directions. At present time, introduction of digital technologies is the priority for all leaders.
The necessity of enforcement of work for reduction of the government share in national economy and increment of share of private sector has been highlighted.
It is necessary to include some state-owned facilities of energy, transport and communication branches, numerous infrastructural and other facilities to the list of facilities for privatization. Placement of shares, organization of securities market and competitive trades have to be the main tools of this process.
Addressing the members of the Government, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov reminded that it is planned to have important international and state events in the second half of the year. In particular, regular session of the People’s Council, at which the decision of amendments of the Constitution of the country would be made, would be held in September.
National holidays – the Independence Day and 25th anniversary of permanent neutrality of Turkmenistan, would be widely celebrated. All officials are required to organize these important events on high level.
Summing up what was said, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov expressed general satisfaction with the indicators of the first half of the year. In this regard, all heads of the ministries and departments were ordered to have sessions on discussion of the outcomes of works in the first half of the year. After, all officials, except governors of the regions, would be given with annual leave from July 7 to August 6. The Head of the State noted that the members of the Government would be able to spend their holidays in health resorts of the country.
Vice-premier E. Orazgeldiyev, who is in charge of agricultural sector, and other officials engaged in the cotton harvest, would decide themselves on their holidays. If you feel that it is not a time for holidays in current period, then you would take rest after completion of the harvest, the Head of the State said.
Other important subjects of the state life, on which relative decisions were made, have been reviewed at the session.
Finishing extended session of the Cabinet of Ministers, the President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov wished strong health, family wealth and success in work to all participants.