Actual business: Entrepreneurs expand warehouse network

Construction of first private warehouse complex for storage of 30 tons of agricultural and food production has started on Dashoguz Region.
The complex is built in S. A. Niyazov district by member of the Union Industrialists and Entrepreneurs of the country R. Saburov. Total are of new facility will be o,7 hectares. It will have optimum conditions for long-term and qualitative storage of food production. The project provides two warehouses and one administrative building as well as technical facilities.
The same like in other regions of the country, volumes of agricultural production are increased in Dashoguz Region owing to favourable economic conditions, including beneficial crediting and provision of long-term land lease, made for agricultural producers. Thus, farmers of the north of Turkmenistan in addition to planned volume of the harvest of strategic crops like cotton and wheat, plan to produce 35,000 tons of rice, not less than 63,000 tons of potato, more than 34,000 tons of onion, 58,500 tons of cucurbitaceous crops.
It provides the necessity of expansion of network of facilities designated for storage of harvest. Business community also actively participates in solution of this current objectives together with the government structure. It is planned to build two new cold storages of various capacity for fruit and vegetable production by the efforts of private sector.