30 Mar

Petroleum products, carbamide and polymers are in the top of the exchange trades

15 transactions have been registered at the trades of the State Commodity and Raw Material Exchange of Turkmenistan last week. For foreign currency, brokers from the United Arab Emirates have bought petroleum road bitumen produced at Turkmenbashy Refinery Complex as well as carbamide (SC Turkemnhimiya) to total amount of 7,542,000 US dollars. For local market, Turkmen entrepreneurs have bought polyethylene (SC Turkmenhimiya), plastic containers and earth moving equipment to total amount of...

29 Mar

Cotton sowing campaign is launched

Important agricultural campaign – the cotton sowing, has started in the country. According to the schedule, cotton producers of Ahal, Balkan, Lebap and Mary Velayats has started the campaign on March 25. Cotton production is one of the leading branches of national agricultural complex, which provides significant contribution to realization of the state programmes in import substitutive sphere and increment of export potential of the country. last year, the cotton grower have exceeded their co...

28 Mar

From span bond to melt blown: production of required nonwoven materials in Turkmenistan

Тürkmen senet business entity was the first in the country to start the production of nonwoven material of new generation – the span bond. Entrepreneurs has opened the plant with production output of 2,500 tons of product per year in industrial zone of Ak Bugday etrap. Polypropylene produced in the country is used as a feedstock. It allows receiving the tightest distribution of fibers in canvas, which are connected to each other by special spin method without weaving. - The nature of spin met...

26 Mar

Turkmenistan to join number of international natural protection documents

During the session of the Government on March 26, Vice-premier, Foreign Minister Rashid Meredov made proposal on joining of our country to number of multilateral documents for development of the partnership with the United Nations Organization and its profile structures. It includes Convention on protection of migrating animals (the Bonn Convention), which has entered into force in 1983, and Agreement on protection of Afro-Eurasian migrating wetland birds from 1999, which was developed under...

25 Mar

Mawy Kenar Joint venture: ecological innovations

Mawy Kenar Joint Venture, which is specialized in soil remediation for oil pollution, works on Turkmen coast of Caspian Sea in the area of Hazar. Joint venture was established by companies Gazyk, Hazar balyk and Canadian Benel Technical Services. At the exhibition of achievements of private sector in Ashgabat on March 17 - 18, Mawy Kenar Joint Venture, the member of the Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs of Turkmenistan, presented innovative project in ecological and oil and gas sphere...

24 Mar

Telematics solutions for sowing campaign: New shipment of John Deere equipment

Another shipment of agricultural equipment from the world famous producer has come to our country on the threshold of the cotton sowing. At the recent session of the Cabinet of Ministers, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov set objectives for organized coming spring campaign and efficient use of specialized equipment to personnel of agricultural sphere. Technical and technological modernization is an important aspect of reforms in agricultural complex, which are aimed at improvement of compet...

24 Mar

Workign session: Diversification of trade and entrepreneurship

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov held working session with participation of Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers Ch. Gylyjov who supervises trade complex as well as heads of the ministries and profile departments of this sector. Issues related to realization of the concept of development of digital economy in 2020 – 2025 and fulfilment of assignments given by the Head of the State have been reviewed at the session. The President noted that while being one of the most dynamically...