New documents on economic co-operation between Turkmenistan and Japan signed in Ashgabat

Following the 15th meeting of the Turkmen-Japanese Committee on Economic Cooperation a number of documents aimed at further development of the fruitful Turkmen-Japanese partnership were signed, including the Framework Agreement between the State Concern "Türkmenhimiýa" and the group of companies "Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Asia Pacific, Pte. Ltd." (Singapore), “Çalik Enerji Sanayi ve Ticaret A.Ş.” (Turkey), "Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Asia Pacific, Pte. (Turkey), ‘Mitsubishi Corporation’ (Japan) to provide service and maintenance of the plant ‘Garabogazkarbamid’; Framework Agreement between the State Concern ‘Türkmenhimiýa’ and the group of companies ‘Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd. ‘(Japan), ‘Gap Inşaat Yatirim ve Diş Ticaret Anonim Şirketi’ (Turkey) and ‘Mitsubishi Corporation’ (Japan) on cooperation on design, procurement and turnkey construction of urea production plant with capacity of 1155 thousand tonnes per year in Kiyanly village of Balkan velayat of Turkmenistan; Memorandum of Understanding between the State Concern ‘Türkmenhimiýa’ and the Group of Companies ‘Kawasaki Heavy Industries, LTD. (Japan), ‘ITOCHU Corporation’ (Japan) on mutual cooperation; Memorandum of Understanding between the State Concern ‘Türkmenhimiýa’ and ‘Kawasaki Heavy Industries, LTD.’ on Supplementary Agreement No.3 on supply and maintenance of the plant for production of petrol from gas in Ahal velayat; Memorandum of Understanding between the Ministry of Energy of Turkmenistan and Sumitomo Corporation Power & Mobility (Japan); the Convention between Turkmenistan and Japan on the Elimination of Double Taxation with Respect to Taxes on Income and the Prevention of Tax Evasion and Avoidance; and the Protocol of the Fifteenth Meeting of the Turkmen-Japanese Committee on Economic Cooperation.