WHO and UNICEF hold third briefing for journalists to cover pandemic response
On February 15, the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), together with the Country Office of the World Health Organization (WHO), held an online briefing for media to discuss the achievements of Turkmenistan in the implementation of the Country Preparedness and Response Plan to the pandemic.
Mass media representatives took part in the event aimed at raising the awareness of journalists on preparing messages on the prevention of infectious diseases.
UNICEF Representative in Turkmenistan Ms. Christine Weigand emphasized that the current meeting provided an opportunity not only to analyze the implementation of the Plan approved by President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov and meet international standards, but also to mobilize available resources for its further successful implementation and increasing effective promotion of prevention measures.
The current event is a part of the Country Preparedness and Response Plan to the pandemic. This was the third meeting organized by the WHO and UNICEF Office for Turkmen journalists, dedicated to mobilizing the capabilities of media in combating the spread of infectious diseases and promoting healthy lifestyle.
The main topic of the briefing is raising the awareness of journalists about effective ways to disseminate information on the prevention of infectious diseases among population, first of all, the youth.
As noted, one of the key challenges of effective risk communication is the ability to identify target audiences and the specific challenges they may face in understanding the risk of infection, and then take the necessary preventive measures and behavioral practices.
Briefing participants got acquainted with the best world practice and regional experience in this area, and also discussed the development of a special handbook.
It was emphasized that the experience of UNICEF cooperation with the State Committee on Television, Radio Broadcasting and Cinematography in the development of videos and animated films about hygiene had proved the efficiency of the measures taken to inform the population about the importance of preventive actions. It was noted that this work would continue, as preventive measures continue to be an effective protection against infections.
Representative of the WHO Country Office shared new facts and data on the COVID-19 pandemic, emphasizing once again the necessity for respiratory etiquette, social distancing and hygiene.
In conclusion, a mutual opinion was expressed that the protection of human health is a basis for the sustainable development process, and the use of media potential contributed to the successful implementation of the constructive policy pursued by President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov to solve the global problems of our time.