Digitization: Platform of innovative development

At extended session of the Cabinet of Ministers on July 3 dedicated to outcomes of the first half of the year, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov specified active introduction of digital technologies to all spheres of the economy among the priorities of the country development.
At present time, relative Concept, which is developed until 2025, is implemented in Turkmenistan. This document is some kind of a road map of technological transformation of branches and government management of these branches, formation of knowledge economy based on huge resource and production potential of the country. It includes several sections, which reflect goals and objectives of the Concept, ways and mechanisms of its practical implementation and expected results.
Digitization is a fundamentally new stage for national economy, transfer to which become possible due to clear well-thought and scientifically based strategy of the Head of the State in the sphere of social and economic development, which provided not only stable positive dynamics of growth but also adaptation of changes of relative market conditions, minimization of risks provided by external factors.
Steadfast programme work including the work for formation of necessary infrastructure is carried out in this direction in the country.
Normative and legal base is improved in this direction. Thus, the Law of Turkmenistan on Communication (new 2019 edition), on Legal Regulation of Development of Internet Network and Provision of Internet Services in Turkmenistan, on Information and Protection of Information, on Cyber Security, on Electronic Document, Electronic Document System and Digital Services and other have been adopted.
Resolution on Establishment of Interdepartmental Commission on development of digital economy in Turkmenistan , which main objective is to solve set objectives, signed by the Head of the State in January this year was one of important steps.
Therefore, the structure of national economy, which is aimed at diversification and industrialization, production of readymade commodities with high added value, is changing. Process of privatization is continued. Foundation of development of high technology, scientifically based and innovative branches, electronic industry in particular, has been laid.
Important role in this process belongs to financial sector. Provision of flexible, efficient distribution of financial resources between various spheres of the economy will support to solution of social objectives, enhancement of efficiency of investment processes and provision of stable economic progress, steadfast transit of all branches to advanced technologies.
The practice of technologically developed countries demonstrates that this is digitization that allowed them making big jump ahead and entering the number of the world leaders. In this regard, the President directs the Government, heads of ministries and profile departments to global trends and expansion of international cooperation in all levels.
Perspectives of development of Turkmenistan are directly related to enforcement of external factors such as further integration to the world economy, activation of beneficial trade, economic and investment partnership, new directions of cooperation on the background of scientific and technical progress, development of coordinated solutions of common humanity issues and problems.
2030 Global Agenda and national policy are closely connected under the activity in the country for achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals. Realization of economic potential of Turkmenistan under the SDGs lies in rational use of all available resources while social vector is aimed at improvement level of quality of life of the nation and ecological – at provision of environment protection and careful treatment of nature.
Advantages of digital technologies are obvious for fulfilment of the SDGs, which were integrated to all government programmes and major economic projects.
Today, the digitization is urgent for every branch. Technical and technological modernization is an important aspect of reforms, especially those which are implemented in national agricultural complex.
Mechanical works in agricultural complex using telematics digital electronic operation system, which is provided to agricultural equipment of the world famous John Deere that is at the disposal of Turkmen agricultural industry, can be brought as example in this case.
In this regard, it is worth to remind that Memorandum of Understanding has been signed between the Ministry of Agriculture and Natural Protection of Turkmenistan and John Deere Walldorf GmbH & Co. KG in August last year. According to the document, high productive john Deere and CLAAS equipment, which was bought by the country in 2013 – 2019, will be provided with telematics equipment.
This system allows optimizing the works as well as monitoring the vehicles, in particular their location, fuel consumption, running hours, loading and many other parameters, directly from the office or any place with internet access of from mobile phone.
In general, the digitization allows improving management processes, makes production to be more flexible and competitive, which means more profitable, and provides opening of new additional work places.
Implementation of activities outlined in the document will support to establishment of informational educational environment and provision of the sphere with electronic resources of education at all stages, enhancement of intellectual potential of society, improvement of profile methods on the level of international standards.
Digitization of libraries is also a guarantee of development of knowledge society. The process of reading itself has changed significantly with the time and scientific and technological progress.
Nowadays, books are available in electronic format and online mode when access to famous library and obtaining of electronic version of any publication are available from computer or mobile telephone. Transit to digital format significantly improves promptness and quality of library and information services and hence, attracts more new users.
The Head of the State also mentions that it is necessary to strengthen the relation between science, education and production has to be strengthened according to major changes, reforms and Concept of digitization of the economy.
It is necessary to continue introduction of new disciplines in information and communication technologies in local universities, to improve the methods of teaching in the most demanded directions, especially in engineering, technical and technological directions, to organize new course on digital system in all schools. At the same time, the leading role is given to the Academy of Sciences.
Digitization opens wide perspectives for Turkmen entrepreneurship. In this case, digital transformation implies not only introduction of modern technologies to business processes, involvement of modern equipment and software, efficient use of informational resources but also fundamental changes in management approach, which opens the way to innovative methods of development of facilities.
It is hard to imagine successful modern business with partners. Digitization opens new opportunities for establishment of business cooperation. Thus, geography of spreading is not a boundary anymore due to advanced technologies. Leading company already implement strategies of digital transformation in daily activity.
Unified government service website of Turkmenistan e.gov.tm has been opened for automation of production activity of administrations, profile departments, facilitation of work for registration and tracking as well as for convenience of citizens and improvement of system of electronic services. This portal represents automatic informational Singe Window system for provision of service in electronic format for citizens and business.
It is worth reminding that President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov informed at the extended session of the Cabinet of Ministers in beginning of February about granting of 10 million US dollars for opening of IT-centres in Ashgabat and velayats. Close attention and support of the Head of the State indicate the importance of training of personnel for realization of the Concept of transit to digital economy.
On February 27, the Head of the State has signed the Resolution on establishment and implementation of electronic document management system and websites. If it will be necessary, local establishments and entrepreneurs, who are entitled to carry out relative activity, will be attracted to works in this direction. These measures are aimed at formation and support of national school of IT specialists and software developers.
2020 Digital Solution Context announced by Türkmenaragatnaşyk Agency, in which all individuals and legal entities will be able to participate, is a good stimulus for development of software and innovative projects. The results of the context will be summed up during International Exhibition Türkmentel-2020.
The above-mentioned Agency has developed plan of short-term special computer, network technology and cyber security courses for digital system training of all level of management, improvement of training of teachers of high and secondary education institutes of the country, expansion of spectrum of electronic services.
Today, national mass media, which have specific objectives for transfer to electronic format, are on fundamentally new level of development. In this regard, it is worth to mention that relative regulation has been developed for transfer of printing media to electronic format.
Therefore, Turkmenistan solves objective of transit to digital economy on integrated and systematic base.